If you can’t find the answers to your questions on our website, please use our contact form (on the home page) or chat to us at our next film night.
Our screenings happen on the fourth Wednesday of every month, except for January and December. Usually we ask people to arrive at 7pm and the screening begins at 7:30.
We screen our films at the Bundalaguah-Myrtlebank Hall (“The Bundy”), which is between Maffra and Sale, 795 Maffra-Sale Rd, 3851. It is on the right if you are coming from Maffra, on the left if you are coming from Sale.
Please arrive at about 7pm (check the listing for any variation to this). There is plenty of parking at the back of the Bundy.
As you enter the hall, you will need to sign in with the person at the door and pay your membership fees (if relevant). Before the screening you can talk to people in the foyer, make a hot or cold drink in the kitchen and get a snack (please bring some gold coins for the donations jar). You are welcome to BYO alcoholic drinks and/or picnic dinner.
The screening starts at 7:30 in the main hall. A bell will ring to remind any stragglers! The screening begins with an Acknowledgement of Country, and any matters that need to be shared with members. Someone will then give a short introduction to the film before the lights are turned down and the screening begins.
Sometimes we will show a short film or trailer as well as the feature film.
After the film has finished, the hall lights will be switched on. All attendees are asked to cast their vote in the star box in the foyer. You can also chat about the film with other members, peruse the DVD library and borrow films (if you are a member). You are also welcome to help the committee pack up the hall and clean the kitchen (only if you want to and are able).
The Bundy has step-free access.
There is a unisex disabled toilet.
Chairs are individual and padded. They can be moved around to give viewers more space or make room for mobility scooters, wheelchairs, etc.
We do not currently display subtitles for films in English.
We do not have a hearing loop.
There is reverse cycle airconditioning in the Bundy and we usually heat the main hall to about 23 degrees in winter, and cool it to about 22 degrees in summer.
Tap water is available for free. We ask for donations for other food and beverages. We usually have dairy and oat milk available for tea/coffee/hot chocolate.
Committee members wear name tags to help you identify them. We are always happy to answer your questions on the night.
Please let us know if you have any other access questions using the contact form on our home page.
No, but…
We are a membership-based film society, which means you pay for membership rather than buying tickets. Membership is not transferable.
However, guests are welcome to come to one screening for free, so if you have a friend who would like to come along, please send them our way!
No. If you pay $25, that means you have paid for three consecutive months of membership. Here are some examples:
Paying $25 in February covers you for films in February, March and April (the first three films of Season 1)
Paying $25 in May covers you for screenings in May, June and July (the last two films of Season 1 and the first film of Season 2)
Paying $25 in October covers you for films in October and November (the last two films of Season 2), and you will still be a member in December when there is no screening
Great question.
The committee collates a long list of potential films for each season using results from our suggestion form, member suggestions, research by the committee and sometimes contact from filmmakers.
Each 6 months, we have a selection meeting, where we view trailers for all films, discuss their critical and popular reception, and short list our 5 preferred films for the season, along with backups in case our chosen films aren’t available. We always try to show (at least) one Australian film and one documentary each season.
We then contact the distributors of those films in order to obtain a license to screen them. As we are membership-based, we use a non-theatrical license (if tickets are sold, a more expensive theatrical license must be obtained). Sometimes we can’t get through to a distributor, despite our best detective work and efforts (using everything from official emails and phone numbers to contacting producers and directors directly via social media), or the film is not yet available for us to screen. In this case, we choose a backup film.
Once we have the screening rights to a film, we buy a DVD to screen. Sometimes the distributor will provide a file or streaming link.
Yes! If you’re a member, we’d love to hear your suggestions for films to screen. Please fill out our suggestion form. If you can’t make that work, use the contact form on the home page or just send us an email. Please include: title, director, year of release, language, link to a trailer, and a sentence about why you think we should show the film.
We will definitely consider it, especially if you are a local filmmaker (e.g. on Gunaikurnai Country/Gippsland or just in Victoria or Australia).
Please email us with the following information: title, director, year of release, length, genre. It is also most helpful if you include a trailer (we usually don’t screen feature films or longer short films if we can’t see a trailer).
We generally screen 5 films per season, selected from a long list of about 30, so don’t be disheartened if yours doesn’t make the final list!
We are an incorporated association, run by members. The committee - including positions holders - is voted in at our AGM (or will be when we have our first one in 2025!). All committee members are volunteers. Current position holders are:
President: Beth Ripper
Vice president: Dan Katz
Treasurer: Linda Cam
Secretary: Jonathan Williams